Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We have a WINNER!!!

Thanks to the generous nature of book dealers -- and their passion to find all sorts of trivial, wonderful information....

it looks as if we (they've) found the dust jacket illustrator for this book.  It appears to be Charles L. Wrenn.

Now, interestingly, in the search, one of the dealers found not one but TWO different dust jacket illustrations for Grosset & Dunlap -- the one seen above would appear to be from approximately 1923-24.

There was a second Grosset & Dunlap edition published sometime in 1924 to coincide with the photoplay (movie) which was based on the book, featuring George O'Brien, Cleo Madison, Billie Dove and Harry Morey. I've seen one picture of the dust jacket on the ERB website here.  But I can't (so far) find information about the book and there don't appear to be any available online currently.  I'll do more checking as I can.

So we have a winner.  Thanks go to Gentleman Jim Arner, the gunslinger who can outdraw (and reference) with the best of them.

Thanks again GJim!

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